Guys it is print friendly means if you copy it in microsoft word it will only take 9 pages. It will save your ink.
A lot of people keep complaining about the wastage of ink thats why I reeditted and made it small from 19 to 9 pages.... Cheers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Acquisitions are important(AT THE LAST), read it carefully.............
- Better by Adobe. Adobe
- ...And You Are Done! Amazon.com
- Think different. Apple Computer
- The power to be your best. Apple Computer
- Think outside the box. Apple Computer
- Reach out and touch someone. AT&T
- The world’s networking company. AT&T
- Better sound through research. BOSE
- Empowering the Internet generation. Cisco Systems
- The source for computing and technology. CNET
- The power of all of us. eBay
- The world’s online marketplace. eBay
- Don’t just travel. Travel right. Expedia.com
- Imagination at work. General Electric
- We bring good things to life. General Electric
- Invent. Hewlett Packard
- Solutions for a small planet. IBM
- Intel Inside. Intel
- Share moments. Share life. Kodak
- Creating value through true convergence. Lucent Technologies
- Where do you want to go today? Microsoft
- Your potential. Our passion. Microsoft
- Connecting people. Nokia
- Software powers the Internet. Oracle
- Slightly ahead of its time. Panasonic
- You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers. Radio Shack
- The fun develops instantly. Polaroid
- Experience success. Salesforce.com
- The network is the computer. Sun Microsystems
- Choose freedom. Toshiba
- Imagine it. Done. Unisys
- We never stop working for you. Verizon Wireless
- Can you hear me now?...Good! Verizon Wireless
- We’re moving beyond documents. Xerox
- Believe. Yahoo! Personals
- Where technology means business. ZDNet
- The quality goes in before the name goes on. Zenith
- Let your fingers do the walking. Yellow Pages
- Ace is the place with the helpful hardware man. Ace Hardware
- Intel inside logo (four-note theme) Intel
XP - Do More with Less
HP -
Invent ; Everything is Possible
Associates - The software that powers the E Business
Experience. Results.
- High Performance. Delivered
We are building a new technology company.
Beyond the Obvious
Infosys -
Powered by Intellect, Driven by Values;Improve your odds with Infosys Predictability
Applying Thought
Where Information Lives.
Adobe -
Simplicity at work. Better by adobe.
- What the web can be.
"Express Yourself"
Vodafone - "Wherever you go, our network follows.",
Vodafone - "Wherever you go, our network follows.",
"Happy To Help",
"Make the Most of Now"..
Communications - "Growth is
" Indian's No.1 Network"
"What An Idea", "No Idea, Get Idea"
"Ghar Ki Pehchan.."
Tata DoCoMo
- "Keep it Simple",
Tata Indicom
- "Do More, Live
More","Suno Dil Ki Awaz"
Aircel -
" Go for It !"
"Experience Change"
Virgin Mobile -
"Think Hatke"
"Value For Money"
3Com – Network technology producer; the three coms are computer, communication,
and compatibility.
Accenture –
from "Accent on the future". Thename Accenture was
proposed by a company employee in Norway as part of an internal name finding
process (BrandStorming). Before
January 1, 2001, the company was called Andersen Consulting.
Acer – Born
as Multitech International in 1976, the company changed its name to Acer in
1987. The Latin word for “sharp, acute, able and facile”
Adobe Systems – from the Adobe Creek
that ran behind the house of co-founder John Warnock.
Akai – named for its founder, Masukichi Akai.
Alcatel-Lucent – Alcatel was named from Société Alsacienne de Constructions
Atomiques, de Télécomunications et d'Electronique.
It took over Lucent Technologies in 2006.
AltaVista – Spanish for "high view".
Amazon.com – founder Jeff Bezos renamed the company Amazon (from the earlier name of Cadabra.com)
after the world's most voluminous river, the Amazon. He saw the potential for a
larger volume of sales in an online (as opposed to a bricks and mortar)
bookstore. (Alternative: Amazon was chosen to cash in on the popularity of
Yahoo, which listed entries alphabetically.)
AMD – Advanced Micro Devices.
Amstrad – Amstrad Consumer Electronics plc was founded by Sir Alan
Michael Sugar in the UK. The name is a contraction of Alan Michael Sugar Trading.
AOL – from America Online. The company was founded in 1983 as Quantum Computer
Apache – according to the project's 1997 FAQ: "The Apache group was
formed around a number of people who provided patch files that had been
written for NCSA httpd 1.3. The result after combining them was A PAtCHy
Apple – For the favorite fruit of co-founder Steve Jobs and/or for the
time he worked at an apple orchard, and to distance itself from the cold,
unapproachable, complicated imagery created by other computer companies at the
time – which had names such as IBM, DEC, Cincom and Tesseract.
Ask.com – search engine formerly named after Jeeves, the gentleman's
gentleman (valet, not butler)
in P. G. Wodehouse's series of books. Ask Jeeves was shortened to Ask in 2006.
Asus – named after Pegasus, the winged horse of Greek mythology. The
first three letters of the word were dropped to get a high position in
alphabetical listings. An Asus company named Pegatron, using the spare letters,
was spun off in 2008.
AT&T – the American Telephone and Telegraph Corporation officially changed its name to AT&T in
the 1990s.
Atari – named from the board game Go. "Atari" is a
Japanese word to describe a position where an opponent's stones are in danger
of being captured. It is similar, though not identical, to "check" in
chess. The original games company was American
but wanted a Japanese-sounding name.
BenQ – Bringing Enjoyment and Quality to life
Blaupunkt – Blaupunkt ("Blue dot") was founded in 1923 under
the name "Ideal". Its core business was the manufacturing of
headphones. If the headphones came through quality tests, the company would
give the headphones a blue dot. The headphones quickly became known as the blue dots or blaue Punkte. The quality symbol would become a trademark and
the trademark would become the company name in 1938.
Bose Corporation – named after founder Amar Bose.
BSNL – from Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (India Communications Corporation Limited).
CA – Computer Associates was founded in 1976 as
Computer Associates International, Inc. by Charles Wang
Canon – Originally (1933) Precision
Optical Instruments Laboratory the new name (1935) derived from the name
of the company's first camera, the Kwanon,
in turn named after the Japanese name of the Buddhist bodhisattva of mercy.
Casio – from the name of its founder, Kashio Tadao, who had set up the
company Kashio Seisakujo as a subcontractor factory.
Cisco – short for San Francisco.
Comcast – from communications
and broadcast.
Compaq – from computer
and "pack" to denote a small integral object; or: Compatibility And
Quality; or: from the company's first product, the
very compact Compaq
COMSAT – a contraction of communications satellites. This American digital
telecommunications and satellite company was founded during the era of
U.S. President John F. Kennedy era to develop the technology.
Corel – from Cowpland Research Laboratory, after the name of the company's founder, Dr. Michael
Cray – supercomputer company named after its founder, Seymour Cray.
Debian – project founder Ian Murdock
named it after himself and his girlfriend, Debra.
Dell – named after its founder, Michael Dell. The company changed its
name from Dell Computer in 2003.
Digg, Inc.- Kevin Rose's friend David Prager originally wanted to call
the site "Diggnation", but Kevin wanted a simpler name. He chose the
"Digg", because users are able to "dig" stories, out
of those submitted, up to the front page. The site was called "Digg"
instead of "Dig" because the domain name "dig.com" was
previously registered, by Walt Disney Internet Group. "Diggnation"
would eventually be used as the title of Kevin Rose and Alex Albrecht's weekly
discussing popular stories from Digg.
EA Games – EA is from Electronic
Arts. The company was founded in
May 1982 as Amazin' Software and changed its name to Electronic Arts in October
the same year.
eBay – Pierre Omidyar, who had created the Auction Web trading
website, had formed a web consulting concern called Echo Bay Technology Group.
"Echo Bay" didn't refer to the town in Nevada, "It just sounded
cool", Omidyar reportedly said. Echo Bay Mines Limited, a gold mining
company, had already taken EchoBay.com, so Omidyar registered what (at the
time) he thought was the second best name: eBay.com.
EDS – Electronic Data Systems, founded in 1962 by former IBM salesman Ross Perot.
According to the company history. "He chose Electronic Data Systems from
potential names he scribbled on a pledge envelope during a service at Highland
Presbyterian Church in Dallas."
ESPN – Entertainment and Sports Programming Network
Epson – Epson Seiko Corporation, the Japanese printer and peripheral
manufacturer, was named from "Son of
Electronic Printer"
Facebook – name stems from the colloquial name of books given to newly
enrolled students at the start of the academic year by university
administrations in the US with the intention of helping students to get to know
each other better.
Fuji – named after Mount Fuji, the highest mountain in Japan.
Google – an originally accidental misspelling of the word googol and
settled upon because google.com was unregistered. Googol was proposed to
reflect the company's mission to organize the immense amount of information
available online.
Haier – Chinese "sea" and (a transliteration character; also
means "you" in Literary Chinese).
HCL – Hindustan Computers Ltd, Indian software company founded by Shiv
HP – Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard tossed a coin to decide whether
the company they founded would be called Hewlett-Packard or Packard-Hewlett.
Hitachi – old place name, literally "sunrise".
HMV – from "His Master's Voice", which appeared in 1899 as the
title of a painting of Nipper, a Jack Russell terrier, listening to a
Honeywell – from the name of Mark Honeywell, founder of Honeywell
Heating Specialty Co. It later merged with Minneapolis Heat Regulator Company
and was finally called Honeywell Inc. in 1963.
Hotmail – Founder Jack Smith got the idea of accessing e-mail via the
web from a computer anywhere in the world. When Sabeer Bhatia came up with the
business plan for the mail service he tried all kinds of names ending in 'mail'
and finally settled for Hotmail as it included the letters "HTML" –
the markup language used to write web
pages. It was initially referred to as HoTMaiL with selective upper
casing. (At one time, if you clicked on Hotmail's 'mail' tab, you would have
seen "HoTMaiL" in the URL, but since Hotmail is now Windows Live
Mail, it is no longer there.)
HTC Corporation – A contraction of its original corporate name, High Tech Computer
IBM – named by Tom (Thomas John) Watson Sr, an ex-employee of National
Cash Register (NCR Corporation). To one-up them in all respects, he called his
company International Business Machines.
IKEA – a composite of the first letters in the Swedish founder Ingvar
Kamprad's name in addition to the first letters of the names of the property
and the village in which he grew up: Ingvar
Kamprad Elmtaryd Agunnaryd.
Intel – Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore initially incorporated their
company as N M Electronics. Someone suggested Moore Noyce Electronics but it
sounded too close to "more noise". Later, Integrated Electronics was
proposed but it had already been taken, so they used the initial syllables (INTegrated ELectronics). To avoid potential conflicts with other companies
with similar names, Intel purchased the name rights for $15,000 from a company
called Intelco. (Source: Intel 15 Years Corporate Anniversary Brochure)
Ittiam Systems – an Indian company named fromthe famous philosophical
dictum: "I think therefore I am" (Cogito, ergo sum).
Infosys – An Indian software major. "Information Systems"
Kodak – Both the Kodak camera and the name were the invention of founder
George Eastman. The letter "K" was a favorite with Eastman; he felt
it a strong and incisive letter. He tried out various combinations of words
starting and ending with
"K". He saw three advantages in the name. It had the merits of
a trademark word, would not be mispronounced and the name did not resemble
anything in the art. There is a misconception that the name was chosen because
of its similarity to
the sound produced by the shutter of the camera.
Konica – it was earlier known as Konishiroku Kogaku. Konishiroku in turn is the
short for Konishiya Rokubeiten which was the first name of
the company established by Rokusaburo Sugiura in the 1850s.
Lenovo Group – a portmanteau of "Le-" (from former name
Legend) and "novo", pseudo-Latin for "new". This Chinese
company took over IBM's PC division.
LG – from the combination of two popular Korean brands, Lucky and Goldstar. (In Mexico, publicists explained the name change as an
abbreviation to Linea Goldstar,
Spanish for Goldstar Line).
Lotus Software – Mitch Kapor named his company after the Lotus Position or
'Padmasana'. Kapor used to be a teacher of Transcendental M ation technique as
taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
Lucent Technologies – a spin-off from AT&T, it was named Lucent
(meaning "luminous" or "glowing with light") because
"light as a metaphor for visionary thinking reflected the company's
operating and guiding business philosophy", according to the Landor
Associates staff who chose the name. It was taken over by Alcatel to
form Alcatel-Lucent in 2006.
Lycos – from Lycosidae,
the family of wolf spiders.
Microsoft – coined by Bill Gates to represent the company that was
devoted to microcomputer software. Originally christened
Micro-Soft, the '-' disappeared on 3/2/1987 with the introduction of a new
corporate identity and logo. The "slash
between the 'o' and „s‟ [in the Microsoft logo] emphasizes the
"soft" part of the name and conveys motion and speed.
Motorola – Founder Paul Galvin came up with this name when his company
(at the time, Galvin Manufacturing Company) started manufacturing radios for
cars. Many audio equipment makers of the era used the "ola" ending
for their products,
most famously the "Victrola" phonograph made by the Victor
Talking Machine Company. The name was meant to convey the idea of
"sound" and "motion". It became so widely recognized that
the company later adopted it as the company name.
Mozilla Foundation – from the name of the web browser that preceded
Netscape Navigator. When Marc Andreesen, co-founder of Netscape, created a
browser to replace the Mosaic browser, it was internally named Mozilla
Godzilla) by Jamie Zawinski.
Napster - The service was named Napster after Fanning's hairstyle-based
Nero – Nero Burning ROM named after Nero burning Rome ("Rom" is the German spelling of
Netscape – Originally the product name of the company's web browser
Communications Netscape Web
Navigator"). The company adopted the product name after the University of
Illinois threatened to sue for trademark infringement over the use of the Mosaic
name. Netscape is the combination of network and landscape.
Nikon – the original name was Nippon
Kogaku, meaning "Japanese
Nintendo – Nintendo is the transliteration of the company's Japanese
name, nintendou (任天堂). The first (nin) can be translated
as to "entrusted"; ten-dou means
Nissan – the company was earlier known by the name Nippon Sangyo which means "Japan Industries".
Nokia – started as a wood-pulp mill, the company expanded into producing
rubber products in the Finnish city of Nokia. The company later adopted the
city's name.
Nortel Networks – named from Nortel (Northern Telecom)
and Bay Networks. The company
was originally spun off from the Bell Telephone Company of Canada Ltd in 1895
as Northern Electric and Manufacturing, and traded as
Northern Electric from 1914 to 1976.
Novartis – after the Latin expression "novae artes" which
means something like "new skills".
Oracle – Larry Ellison, Ed Oates and Bob Miner were working on a
consulting project for the CIA. The code name for the project was Oracle. The
project was designed to use the newly written SQL database language from IBM.
The project was eventually terminated but they decided to finish what they
started and bring it to the world. Later
they changed the name of the company, Relational Software Inc., to the
name of the product.
Pixar – from pixel and
the co-founder's name, Alvy Ray Smith. According to the biography
"The Second Coming of Steve Jobs" by Alan Deutschman, the 'el' in
pixel was changed to 'ar' because 'ar' is frequently used in Spanish verbs,
implying the name means "To Pix".
Quad – an acronym for Quality Unit Amplified Domestic. Quad Electroacoustics was founded in 1936 by Peter
Walker, and was formerly called the Acoustical Manufacturing Company.
Qualcomm – Quality Communication
Qualcomm – Quality Communication
Red Hat – while at college, company founder Marc Ewing was given the
Cornell lacrosse team cap (with red and white stripes) by his grandfather.
People would turn to him to solve their problems and he was referred to as that guy in the red hat.
By the time he wrote the manual of the beta version of Red Hat Linux he
had lost the cap, so the manual included an appeal to readers to return his Red Hat if found.
Research In Motion – from the phrase "poetry in motion", which
company founder Mike Lazaridis had seen used to describe a football player.
Samsonite – named from the Biblical character Samson, renowned for his strength.
setcom – software engineering and testing for communications, an international group of companies active in the field of wireless test solutions.
Sharp – Japanese consumer electronics company named from its first product, an ever-sharp pencil.
SGI – Silicon
Graphics Inc.
Siemens – founded in 1847 by Werner von Siemens and Johann Georg Halske. The company was originally called Telegraphen-Bau-Anstalt von Siemens & Halske
Siemens – founded in 1847 by Werner von Siemens and Johann Georg Halske. The company was originally called Telegraphen-Bau-Anstalt von Siemens & Halske
SmartBear Software – named from "John Irving’s
Hotel New Hampshire, a surreal novel in which a 'smart bear' plays an important
role," according to founder Jason Cohen.In 2007, he sold to AutomatedQA, which renamed itself after its more
memorable subsidiary in 2010.
Skype – the original concept for the name was Sky-Peer-to-Peer, which morphed into Skyper, then Skype.
Skype – the original concept for the name was Sky-Peer-to-Peer, which morphed into Skyper, then Skype.
Sony – from the Latin word 'sonus' meaning sound, and 'sonny' a slang
word used by
Americans to refer to a bright youngster, "since we were sonny boys
working in sound and vision", said Akio Morita. The company was founded as
Tokyo Tsoshiu Kogyo KK (Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering Corporation) in
1946, and changed its name to Sony in 1958. Sony was chosen as it could be
pronounced easily in many languages.
Sperry – company founded by Elmer Ambrose Sperry (1860–1930), originally as Sperry Gyroscope Company. Sperry took over Univac, and eventually was itself taken over by Burroughs. The merged companies became Unisys, from United Information Systems.
Sprint – from its parent company, Southern Pacific Railroad INTernal Communications. At the time, pipelines and railroad tracks were the cheapest
place to lay communications lines, as the right-of way was already
leased or owned.
Sun Microsystems – its founders designed their first workstation in
their dorm at Stanford University, and chose the name Stanford University Network for their product, hoping to sell it
to the college. They didn't.
SuSE – from Software und System-Entwicklung (software and system development). The company was bought by Novell for its Linux distribution.
SuSE – from Software und System-Entwicklung (software and system development). The company was bought by Novell for its Linux distribution.
TCS – from Tata Consultancy Services, from India's Tata Group, named after founder and
legendary industrialist Jamshedji Tata.
Toshiba – named from the merger of consumer goods company Tokyo Denki (Tokyo Electric Co) and
electrical firm Shibaura
Seisaku-sho (Shibaura Engineering Works).
Tucows – an acronym for The Ultimate Collection Of Winsock Software.
Twitter - social networking and microblogging service. The name was derived from the original idea 'Twitch', which didn't bring up the right imagery.
Twitter - social networking and microblogging service. The name was derived from the original idea 'Twitch', which didn't bring up the right imagery.
Unisys – from United Information Systems, the new name for the company that resulted from the
merging of two old mainframe computer companies, Burroughs and Sperry [Sperry
Univac/Sperry Rand]. It united
two incompatible ranges. The newborn Unisys was briefly the world's
second-largest computer company, after IBM.
Ubuntu Foundation – named from a Zulu word (ùɓúntú) that translates as "humanity to others".
Ubuntu Foundation – named from a Zulu word (ùɓúntú) that translates as "humanity to others".
UUNET – one of the industry's oldest and largest Internet Service Providers,
named from UNIX-to-UNIX Network.
Verizon – a portmanteau of veritas
(Latin for truth) and horizon.
Virgin – founder Richard Branson started a magazine called Student while still at school. In his
autobiography, Losing My Virginity, Branson says that when they were starting a
business to sell records by mail order, "one of the girls suggested:
'What about Virgin? We're complete virgins at business.'”.
Vodafone – from Voice, Data, Telefone. Vodafone made the UK's first mobile call at a few minutes
past midnight on 1 January 1985.
VMware – Virtual Machine [soft]ware
VMware – Virtual Machine [soft]ware
Wipro – from Western India Palm Refined Oil Ltd Wipro Technologies. The
company started as a modest Vanaspati and laundry soap producer and is now also
an IT services giant.
Xerox – named from xerography, a word derived from the Greek xeros (dry) and graphos (writing). The company was
founded as The Haloid Company in 1906, launched its first XeroX copier in 1949,
and changed its name to Haloid Xerox in 1958.
Yahoo! – The word Yahoo was
invented by Jonathan Swift and used in his book Gulliver's Travels. It represents a person who is repulsive in
appearance and barely human. Yahoo! founders David Filo and Jerry Yang jokingly
themselves yahoos. It's also an interjection sometimes associated with
United States
Southerners' and Westerners' expression of joy, as alluded to in
Yahoo.com commercials that end with someone singing the word "yahoo".
It is also sometime jokingly referred to by its backronym, Yet Another Hierarchical
Officious Oracle.
Zend Technologies – a contraction derived from the names of Zeev Suraski and Andi Gutmans, the two founders.
Zend Technologies – a contraction derived from the names of Zeev Suraski and Andi Gutmans, the two founders.
Apple-"Byte into an Apple",
"Think Different"
>Accenture- "High Performance, Delivered"
"Who says you can’t be big and nimble?"(Elephant Surfing Ad)
>Acer- "Emporing People"
>Nokia- "Connecting People"
>Cisco- "Welcome To The Human Network"
>Google- "Don't Be Evil"
>Kodak-"You press the button, we do the rest."(1892)
>Infosys- "Powered By Intellect, Driven By Values"
>Microsoft- "Where Do You Want To Go Today"(1994-2002)
"Your Potential, Our Passion"(2006-2011)
"Be What's Next"(2011-Present)
>Microsoft Xbox- "Life is short. Play more"
>Cognizant- "Passion For Building Stronger Businesses"
>Dell- "Yours Is Here"
"The Power to Do More"
"Think Different"
>Accenture- "High Performance, Delivered"
"Who says you can’t be big and nimble?"(Elephant Surfing Ad)
>Acer- "Emporing People"
>Nokia- "Connecting People"
>Cisco- "Welcome To The Human Network"
>Google- "Don't Be Evil"
>Kodak-"You press the button, we do the rest."(1892)
>Infosys- "Powered By Intellect, Driven By Values"
>Microsoft- "Where Do You Want To Go Today"(1994-2002)
"Your Potential, Our Passion"(2006-2011)
"Be What's Next"(2011-Present)
>Microsoft Xbox- "Life is short. Play more"
>Cognizant- "Passion For Building Stronger Businesses"
>Dell- "Yours Is Here"
"The Power to Do More"
>Electronics Arts- "We See Farther.",
"If it's in the game, it's in the game.",
"EA Games, challenge everything.",
"EA Sports, it's in the game."
"If it's in the game, it's in the game.",
"EA Games, challenge everything.",
"EA Sports, it's in the game."
>Wipro- "Applying Thought"
>Panasonic- "Ideas For Life"
>Epson- "Exceed Your Vision"
>Olympus- "Your Vision, Our Future"
>Onida- "Designed With You In Mind"(Nice one, I like it!!)
>General Electric(GE)- "Imagination at Work"
>Hitachi- "Inspire The Next"
>Philips- "Sense And Simplicity"
>MicroMax- "Nothing Like Anything"(Logo is Changed Now,Check it out)
>Virgin Mobile- "Think Hatke"
>Amazon.com- "..and you are done
>BigAdda.com- "Lets Catch Up"
>Cloob.com- "Virtual society of Iranians all across the world"
>Bing- "Bing and Decide"
"Decision Engine"
>deviantArt.com- "Where art meets application!"
>ebay.com- "Connecting buyers and sellers globally."
"What ever it is, you can get it on eBay."
"Buy it, sell it, love it"
>Flixter,Inc- "Watch movies. Tell friends."
>Friendster.com-"Living the Game"
>Google+(Plus)- "Real-life sharing rethought for the web"
>Hyves.nl-"Always in touch with your friends"
>LinkedIn.com- "Relationships Matter"
>Myspace.com- "A Place for Friends"
>Youtube- "Broadcast Yourself"
>Slideshare.net- "Present Yourself"
>Twitter- "The Best Way To Discover What's New In Your World"
"What' Happening Right Now"(Slightly Different,Exactly IDK)
>Monster.com- "Right Jobs, Right Candidates"
"Your Calling, is Calling"
>Makemytrip- "Wish Click Go"
>Ning.com- "The World's Largest Platform for Creating Social Websites"
>Yatra.com- "Smarter Way To Travel"
>iBiBo- "I Build I Bond"
>Bebo.com- "Blog Early, Blog Often"
>Panasonic- "Ideas For Life"
>Epson- "Exceed Your Vision"
>Olympus- "Your Vision, Our Future"
>Onida- "Designed With You In Mind"(Nice one, I like it!!)
>General Electric(GE)- "Imagination at Work"
>Hitachi- "Inspire The Next"
>Philips- "Sense And Simplicity"
>MicroMax- "Nothing Like Anything"(Logo is Changed Now,Check it out)
>Virgin Mobile- "Think Hatke"
>Amazon.com- "..and you are done
>BigAdda.com- "Lets Catch Up"
>Cloob.com- "Virtual society of Iranians all across the world"
>Bing- "Bing and Decide"
"Decision Engine"
>deviantArt.com- "Where art meets application!"
>ebay.com- "Connecting buyers and sellers globally."
"What ever it is, you can get it on eBay."
"Buy it, sell it, love it"
>Flixter,Inc- "Watch movies. Tell friends."
>Friendster.com-"Living the Game"
>Google+(Plus)- "Real-life sharing rethought for the web"
>Hyves.nl-"Always in touch with your friends"
>LinkedIn.com- "Relationships Matter"
>Myspace.com- "A Place for Friends"
>Youtube- "Broadcast Yourself"
>Slideshare.net- "Present Yourself"
>Twitter- "The Best Way To Discover What's New In Your World"
"What' Happening Right Now"(Slightly Different,Exactly IDK)
>Monster.com- "Right Jobs, Right Candidates"
"Your Calling, is Calling"
>Makemytrip- "Wish Click Go"
>Ning.com- "The World's Largest Platform for Creating Social Websites"
>Yatra.com- "Smarter Way To Travel"
>iBiBo- "I Build I Bond"
>Bebo.com- "Blog Early, Blog Often"
Major Tech Company Acquisitions &
>Google-Keyhole Inc,Youtube,Doubleclick,GrandCentral,Aardvark,Agnilux,Admob,Picnik
>Google-Keyhole Inc,Youtube,Doubleclick,GrandCentral,Aardvark,Agnilux,Admob,Picnik
eGroups,Overture Services Inc,
Inktomi Corp,Hotjobs.com,Oddpost,MusicmatchJukebox,blo.gs,
Zimbra,Maven Networks,Koprol,Dapper,Spreets,IntoNow.
eGroups,Overture Services Inc,
Inktomi Corp,Hotjobs.com,Oddpost,MusicmatchJukebox,blo.gs,
Zimbra,Maven Networks,Koprol,Dapper,Spreets,IntoNow.
->Apple Inc.
Subsidiaries- Braeburn Capital, FileMaker Inc.
Acquisitions-NeXT,Coral Software,Power Computing,Raycer Graphics,Nothing Real,Lala.com,Emagic,Proximity,P.A.Semi,Quattro Wireless,Siri,Poly9
Acquired Authentec( samsung security partners for android devices)
->Electronics Arts-Distinctive Software Inc.,Kingsoft GmbH,Maxis,Vision Software,ABC Software,DreamWorks Interactive,pogo.com,JAMDAT mobile,Origin,SingShot Media, Hands-On Mobile,Mythic Entertainment,Playfish,J2Play,PopCap Games.
->Research In Motion- QNX Software Systems,TinyHippos,The Astonishing Tribe,Scoreloop.
Subsidiaries- Braeburn Capital, FileMaker Inc.
Acquisitions-NeXT,Coral Software,Power Computing,Raycer Graphics,Nothing Real,Lala.com,Emagic,Proximity,P.A.Semi,Quattro Wireless,Siri,Poly9
Acquired Authentec( samsung security partners for android devices)
->Electronics Arts-Distinctive Software Inc.,Kingsoft GmbH,Maxis,Vision Software,ABC Software,DreamWorks Interactive,pogo.com,JAMDAT mobile,Origin,SingShot Media, Hands-On Mobile,Mythic Entertainment,Playfish,J2Play,PopCap Games.
->Research In Motion- QNX Software Systems,TinyHippos,The Astonishing Tribe,Scoreloop.
Peter Norton Computing, C&E Software, Dynamic Microprocessor Associates,Think Tech.,Delrina,AXENT Technologies,Recourse Technologies,PowerQuest,BrightMail,Veritas Software*,Sygate Technologies,Altiris*,Verisign Security Business.
Peter Norton Computing, C&E Software, Dynamic Microprocessor Associates,Think Tech.,Delrina,AXENT Technologies,Recourse Technologies,PowerQuest,BrightMail,Veritas Software*,Sygate Technologies,Altiris*,Verisign Security Business.
->Adobe Systems-
Aldus,Photoshop,Frame Technology,Macromedia*,Omniture,Echosign,Iridas Technology,Demdex.
>Tata Consultancy Services(TCS)-
Citi Global Services Limited,
TKS-Teknosoft,Pheonix Global Solutions, CMC Limited(51%).
Symbian Ltd.,Navteq*,Intellisync Corp,Sega.com Inc,Amber Networks,NGI Industrial,DiscoveryCom Inc,Network Alchemy Inc,Wireless Infrastructure assets of Motorola.
->Oracle Corp.-
Art Technology Group,Phase Forward,InQuira,Pillar Data Systems,Sun Microsystems*,BEA Systems*,Bharosa Inc*,Agile Software Corporation,Hyperion Corp*,Stellent Inc,Siebel Systems*,i-flex*,Peoplesoft*,Thinking Machine Corp.,MySQL AB.
->America Online(AOL)-The Huffington Post,About.me,TechCrunch,Bebo*,Tacoda*,Yadda,Weblogs Inc,Advertising.Com*,SingingFish,Nullsfot*,Gateway.net*,MapQuest*,Compuserve,Netscape*,Mirabilis,BookLink.
Aldus,Photoshop,Frame Technology,Macromedia*,Omniture,Echosign,Iridas Technology,Demdex.
>Tata Consultancy Services(TCS)-
Citi Global Services Limited,
TKS-Teknosoft,Pheonix Global Solutions, CMC Limited(51%).
Symbian Ltd.,Navteq*,Intellisync Corp,Sega.com Inc,Amber Networks,NGI Industrial,DiscoveryCom Inc,Network Alchemy Inc,Wireless Infrastructure assets of Motorola.
->Oracle Corp.-
Art Technology Group,Phase Forward,InQuira,Pillar Data Systems,Sun Microsystems*,BEA Systems*,Bharosa Inc*,Agile Software Corporation,Hyperion Corp*,Stellent Inc,Siebel Systems*,i-flex*,Peoplesoft*,Thinking Machine Corp.,MySQL AB.
->America Online(AOL)-The Huffington Post,About.me,TechCrunch,Bebo*,Tacoda*,Yadda,Weblogs Inc,Advertising.Com*,SingingFish,Nullsfot*,Gateway.net*,MapQuest*,Compuserve,Netscape*,Mirabilis,BookLink.
>eBay Inc.-
Half.com,Paypal,Baazee.com,Eachnet,Craiglist,Rent.com,Shopping.com,StubHub,Meetup.com,Bill Me Later,GSI Commerce,dba.dk&bilbasen.dk.,StumbleUpon.
junglee.com, endless.com,depreviews,woot,imdb,alexa
Acquires skype from ebay
>ATOS ORIGIN---- ceo---- Thierry Breton(olympic IT partners till 2016)
Half.com,Paypal,Baazee.com,Eachnet,Craiglist,Rent.com,Shopping.com,StubHub,Meetup.com,Bill Me Later,GSI Commerce,dba.dk&bilbasen.dk.,StumbleUpon.
junglee.com, endless.com,depreviews,woot,imdb,alexa
Acquires skype from ebay
>ATOS ORIGIN---- ceo---- Thierry Breton(olympic IT partners till 2016)
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