- Ramus
Lerdorf developed PHP.
- Steve
Case is the founder, CEO
and chairman of American Online.
- Tim
Berners Lee founded World Wide Web Consortium(W3C).
- Charles
Goldfarb created SGML and wrote the first SGML Parser.
- Ted
Nelson is the father of Hypertext.
- Mark
Andreessen founded the Mosaic Browser and was the cofounder of Netscape
- George
Boole is the mathematician who helped establish modern symbolic
logic, especially by his algebra of logic, a two-valued system.
- Larry
Ellison is the cofounder and CEO of Oracle Corp.
- Larry
Wall created PERL programming language.
- Gordon
Moore co-founded Intel Corporation in 1968 and predicted that the
number of transistors that the industry would be able to place on a
computer chip would double every year.
- Konrad
Zuse built the world's first binary digit computer: Z1
- Sabeer
Bhatia co-founded Hotmail in 1996 and then sold the company
to Microsoft.
- Alan
Turing is largely responsible for breaking the German Enigma codes,
created a test that provided a foundation for artificial intelligence.
- Bill
Gates is co-founder, chairman and chief software architect for
Microsoft Corporation.
- Jeff
Bezos is founder and CEO of
- Linus Torwalds wrote parts of
Linux OS in 1991 and invited users to improve on the original open
language system he created.
- Vint
Cerf co-invented the TCP/IP Internet protocol with Robert
Kahn in 1973.
- Dennis
Ritchie co-created the UNIX operating system in 1969 with
Ken Thompson.
- Bjarne
Stroustrup is the inventor of the C++ programming language.
- James
Gosling designed the original Java language and wrote
"Emacs" for Unix systems.
- Charles
Babbage developed the Difference Engine and Analytical Engine,
two punched-card controlled general purpose calculators.
- Ramus
lerdorf developed PHP.
- Paul
Zimmerman - Pretty Good Privacy (PGP).
- Shawn Fanning created Napster.
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